Nissan Fairlady 350z VQ35DE Coilpack
Nissan Fairlady 350z VQ35DE Coilpack
When you are having issues with your factory coil packs in your vehicle it might tend to misfire and not run properly or run rough. Instead of buying 2nd hand and unknown condition coil packs these are a great alternative for factory power setups.
Suited for any vehicles running the VQ35DE engine
- Infiniti and Nissan vehicles 3.5L
Great Replacement For failed OEM coils with factory power motors
x1 Coilpacks
When you need to upgrade your turbo Scarles offers a perfect solution named the SCR320. Our most popular model turbo works perfectly on petrol vehicles 2L , 2.5L & 3L and also will work on Diesel vehicles like the 4.2L engines.